Friday, 22 April 2011

Slatter family & Rukurukulevu village.

Matilda, Kim, Molly, small Matilda, Frances, Matilda (21)

Our family first visited Rukurukulevu village, Fiji in February 2009.

We developed a friendship with a family in the village, Matilda and Quto and their four children (Matilda, Frances, Henry & Matilda.)

Matilda and Kim.

Matilda is a very kind and generous Christian lady who has a heart for helping those in need in her village and surrounding area. She is involved in the Methodist Church in the village as a Church leader and Sunday School teacher.
She has helped us to identify those in great need: school children (struggling to attend school), the elderly, widowed & sick. With Matilda's assistance a number of projects have been initated which offer hope to those in the village and nearby area.

Henry and Elijah.

Darren with some elderly men from the village.


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